Problem Rankings

Rank Source Description Elo Rating
1321 AMC 12 2021 Fall A Q24 Convex quadrilateral \(ABCD\) has \(AB = 18, \angl... 1500.00
1322 AMC 12 2021 Fall A Q25 Let \(m\ge 5\) be an odd integer, and let \(D(m)\)... 1500.00
1323 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q2 What is the area of the shaded figure shown below?... 1500.00
1324 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q3 At noon on a certain day, Minneapolis is \(N\) deg... 1500.00
1325 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q4 Let \(n = 8^{2022}\). Which of the following is eq... 1500.00
1326 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q7 Which of the following conditions is sufficient to... 1500.00
1327 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q8 The product of the lengths of the two congruent si... 1500.00
1328 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q9 Triangle \(ABC\) is equilateral with side length \... 1500.00
1329 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q10 What is the sum of all possible values of \(t\) be... 1500.00
1330 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q14 Suppose that \(P(z), Q(z)\), and \(R(z)\) are poly... 1500.00
1331 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q15 Three identical square sheets of paper each with s... 1500.00
1332 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q16 Let \(a, b,\) and \(c\) be positive integers such ... 1500.00
1333 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q17 A bug starts at a vertex of a grid made of equilat... 1500.00
1334 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q18 Set \(u_0 = \frac{1}{4},\) and for \(k \geq 0\) le... 1500.00
1335 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q19 Regular polygons with \(5, 6, 7, \) and \(8\) side... 1500.00
1336 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q20 A cube is constructed from \(4\) white unit cubes ... 1500.00
1337 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q22 Right triangle \(ABC\) has side lengths \(BC=6\), ... 1500.00
1338 AMC 12 2021 Fall B Q24 Triangle \(ABC\) has side lengths \(AB = 11, BC=24... 1500.00
1339 AMC 12 2001 A Q5 What is the product of all odd positive integers l... 1500.00
1340 AMC 12 2001 A Q14 Given the nine-sided regular polygon \( A_1 A_2 A_... 1500.00