981 |
AMC 8 2002 A Q4 |
The year 2002 is a palindrome (a number that reads... |
1500.00 |
982 |
AMC 8 2002 A Q6 |
A birdbath is designed to overflow so that it will... |
1500.00 |
983 |
AMC 8 2002 A Q7 |
The students in Mrs. Sawyer's class were asked to ... |
1500.00 |
984 |
AMC 8 2002 A Q10 |
\(\textbf{Juan's Old Stamping Grounds}\)
Juan org... |
1500.00 |
985 |
AMC 8 2003 A Q9 |
\(\textbf{Bake Sale}\)
Four friends, Art, Roger, ... |
1500.00 |
986 |
AMC 8 2003 A Q10 |
\(\textbf{Bake Sale}\)
Four friends, Art, Roger, ... |
1500.00 |
987 |
AMC 8 2003 A Q11 |
Business is a little slow at Lou's Fine Shoes, so ... |
1500.00 |
988 |
AMC 8 2003 A Q20 |
What is the measure of the acute angle formed by t... |
1500.00 |
989 |
AMC 8 2003 A Q23 |
In the pattern below, the cat (denoted as a large ... |
1500.00 |
990 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q2 |
How many different four-digit numbers can be forme... |
1500.00 |
991 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q4 |
Lance, Sally, Joy and Fred are chosen for the team... |
1500.00 |
992 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q8 |
Find the number of two-digit positive integers who... |
1500.00 |
993 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q12 |
Niki usually leaves her cell phone on. If her cell... |
1500.00 |
994 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q15 |
Thirteen black and six white hexagonal tiles were ... |
1500.00 |
995 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q19 |
A whole number larger than \(2\) leaves a remainde... |
1500.00 |
996 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q21 |
Spinners A and B are spun. On each spinner, the ar... |
1500.00 |
997 |
AMC 8 2004 A Q23 |
Tess runs counterclockwise around rectangular bloc... |
1500.00 |
998 |
AMC 8 2005 A Q2 |
Karl bought five folders from Pay-A-Lot at a cost ... |
1500.00 |
999 |
AMC 8 2005 A Q3 |
What is the minimum number of small squares that m... |
1500.00 |
1000 |
AMC 8 2005 A Q9 |
In quadrilateral \( ABCD\), sides \( \overline{AB}... |
1500.00 |