2661 |
AIME 2001 II Q10 |
How many positive integer multiples of 1001 can be... |
1500.00 |
2662 |
AIME 2001 II Q11 |
Club Truncator is in a soccer league with six othe... |
1500.00 |
2663 |
AIME 2001 II Q12 |
Given a triangle, its midpoint triangle is obtaine... |
1500.00 |
2664 |
AIME 2001 II Q13 |
In quadrilateral \(ABCD\), \(\angle{BAD}\cong\angl... |
1500.00 |
2665 |
AIME 2001 II Q14 |
There are \(2n\) complex numbers that satisfy both... |
1500.00 |
2666 |
AIME 2001 II Q15 |
Let \(EFGH\), \(EFDC\), and \(EHBC\) be three adja... |
1500.00 |
2667 |
AIME 2019 I Q1 |
Consider the integer $$N = 9 + 99 + 999 + 9999 + \... |
1500.00 |
2668 |
AIME 2019 I Q2 |
Jenn randomly chooses a number \(J\) from \(1, 2, ... |
1500.00 |
2669 |
AIME 2019 I Q3 |
In \(\triangle PQR\), \(PR=15\), \(QR=20\), and \(... |
1500.00 |
2670 |
AIME 2019 I Q4 |
A soccer team has 22 available players. A fixed se... |
1500.00 |
2671 |
AIME 2019 I Q6 |
In convex quadrilateral \(KLMN\) side \(\overline{... |
1500.00 |
2672 |
AIME 2019 I Q7 |
There are positive integers \(x\) and \(y\) that s... |
1500.00 |
2673 |
AIME 2019 I Q8 |
Let \(x\) be a real number such that \(\sin^{10}x+... |
1500.00 |
2674 |
AIME 2019 I Q9 |
Let \(\tau (n)\) denote the number of positive int... |
1500.00 |
2675 |
AIME 2019 I Q10 |
For distinct complex numbers \(z_1,z_2,\dots,z_{67... |
1500.00 |
2676 |
AIME 2019 I Q11 |
In \(\triangle ABC\), the sides have integers leng... |
1500.00 |
2677 |
AIME 2019 I Q12 |
Given \(f(z) = z^2-19z\), there are complex number... |
1500.00 |
2678 |
AIME 2019 I Q13 |
Triangle \(ABC\) has side lengths \(AB=4\), \(BC=5... |
1500.00 |
2679 |
AIME 2019 I Q14 |
Find the least odd prime factor of \(2019^8 + 1\).... |
1500.00 |
2680 |
AIME 2019 I Q15 |
Let \(\overline{AB}\) be a chord of a circle \(\om... |
1500.00 |